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With manuel lozano, fernando fernan gomez, uxia blanco, gonzalo uriarte. The film is often described as a comingofage film, as the main character, moncho. The film centers on moncho manuel lozano and his comingofage experience in galicia in 1936. We inhabit a great texmex frontier between home and abroad, medieval and hitech, and this produces a cultural vanguard. A shy young boy is brought out of his cocoon by a wise teacher who shows him the wonder of the natural world around him, amidst the growing tensions and chaos of the spanish civil war in galicia. Jun 08, 2014 attached is a document with a set of questions that could be use with the film. Symbolic structures in social and ideological contexts find, read and cite all the research you need on. The film butterfly is the story of a young galician boy coming of age during tense political times at the outset of the spanish civil war in 1936. Rafael azcona y jose luis cuerda, basado en relatos. This questions could be reduced to suit lower years it has been thought for y and their chosen topic. School is going to change a long with a lot of other. Feature films spain history civil war, 19361939 drama.

Director jose luis cuerda portrays this period idyllically in the film warm colours, soft music adding at the same time a powerful sense of nostalgia to it. Moncho manuel lozano has just recovered from a long ilness and is nervous about being sent to school, where he has heard that the teachers hit. Don gregorio le inculca conocimientos tan medulares como poco academicos. The film centres on moncho manuel lozano and his comingofage. Belle epoque,was viewed much more favorably in that it is a very happy time. Don gregorio inculca a sus alumnos conocimientos tan medulares como poco academicos.

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